Thursday, June 30, 2011

Total Body Bootcamp in under 30 mins

This workout targets your whole body! Pectorals, triceps, biceps, core, back, shoulders, obliques, quads, calves and glutes.

1 min. side to side push ups
1 min. jumping jacks
1 min. dumbell row 
1 min. mountain jumpers
1 min. crab kicks
1 min. wall squat
1 min. lateral plank hold (30s each side)

Do the entire set without resting (as many reps as possible in a minute), rest for a minute and repeat (total 3 rounds).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Breakfast Burrito

Tortilla integral
2 huevos revueltos
2 rebanadas de bacon canadiense
2 cditas salsa (tostitos/mexican salsa)
2 cditas queso cheddar light rayado

Pones las dos rebanadas de jamon (canadian bacon) sobre la tortilla, los huevos revueltos encima, la salsa y queso rayado, enrollas y calientas en la sarten hasta que se dore. Rapido, facil, delicioso y super saludable!

Rutina de 25 minutos para hacer donde sea...

Esta rutina ataca por todos los angulos, en 25 minutos! Usando solo tu peso, siguela al pie de la letra y sentiras los efectos manana! 

1 min. squat marcha (30s c/lado)
1 min. twister
20 lunges twist (10 de c/lado)
1 min. pechadas recogidas
1 min. grand plie y salto
1 min. pechadas tricep
20 poses de flamingo (10 de c/lado)

Completa toda la ronda sin descansar entre ejercicios. Descansa 1 minuto y repite la ronda. Haz 3 rondas. Para mas info o sesiones de entrenamiento desde $2.50/sesion, escribenos a *Imagenes cortesia de Women's Health Magazine

1) Squat marcha

Parate con los pies abiertos al ancho de tus caderas y tus brazos estirados a los lados. Agachate con la espalda recta hasta que tus muslos esten paralelos al suelo, manteniendo tus brazos estirados y levantandolos hasta que esten en linea recta con tus orejas. Sube hacia la posicion inicial y levanta tu rodilla derecha a la altura de la cadera mientras bajas tus brazos dejandolos afuera de la pierna doblada (siempre estirados). Regresa a la posicion inicial y repite. 30 segundos con la pierna derecha y luego 30 segundos con la pierna izquierda.

2) Twister

Ponte en posicion de plancha con tus brazos planos sobre el piso y los talones levantados. Usando tus pies de soporte, rota tu cuerpo hacia la derecha lo mas que puedas sin perder el balance y luego hacia la izquierda. Haz un minuto seguido; debes sentirlo en el tronco del cuerpo/abdomen. 

3) Lunges twist 

Haz un lunge hacia el frente con tu pierna derecha hasta que tu rodilla izquierda quede a pocas pulgadas del piso y tu muslo derecho este paralelo al piso. Inclina tu tronco hacia el frente y trata te tocar el suelo a los lados de tu pie derecho. Empujate con tu pie derecho y ahora cambia tu peso hacia el pie izquierdo y rota para que tu pierna derecha sea ahora la que quede atras. Mientras bajas a la posicion de lunge, rota tu torso 45 grados a la izquierda. Regresa a la posicion inicial. 

4) Pechada Recogida

Una variacion de la pechada original, acercando tu rodilla a tu codo cada vez que bajas. Haz un minuto, alternando las piernas. Lo sentiras en tus brazos, espalda y tronco! 

5) Grand plie y salto

Parate con las piernas separadas, puntas de los pies en direccion a afuera. Agachate con la espalda recta y los brazos estirados al frente y sube de un brinco levantando los brazos estirados. Repite por 1 minuto seguido. 

6) Pechadas tricep

Variacion de la pechada tradicional, bajando con los codos pegados al tronco para hacer enfasis en los triceps. Haz un minuto seguido. 

7) Pose de Flamingo

Parate con los pies separados al ancho de las caderas y tus brazos a los lados. Recoge la rodilla izquierda, levantando el pie del piso. Agachate apoyandote sobre la pierna derecha, estirando el brazo derecho hacia afuera y el izquierdo hacia tu pie derecho hasta tocar el piso. Levantate (todavia con la rodilla recogida), llevando tu brazo izquierdo hacia arriba.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ensalada Mediterranea con Tuna

Para 2 personas
1 lata chica de garbanzos
1 lata chica de hongos
1 lata alcachofas
2 pepinos
10 tomates cherry
6 hongos frescos
6 aceitunas verdes
6 aceitunas kalamata
sal y pimienta
4 cucharadas de vinagreta italiana
2 cucharadas de vinagre balsamico
jugo de 2 limones
2 latas de tuna
lechuga romana

Combinar en un envase los garbanzos, hongos de lata (enteros), alcachofas (picadas en trozos grandes), pepinos (picados en pedacitos chicos), tomates cherry (cortados por mitad), hongos frescos (cortados en cubitos), aceitunas (cortadas en mitad).

Aparte, combinar la vinagreta, vinagre balsamico, sal, pimienta, oregano, jugo de limon, y rocear sobre los vegetales. Revolver bien y refrigerar.

Aparte, combinar las 2 latas de tuna con un poquito de pimienta, sal, chorrito de jugo de limon, poquito de cebolla picada y una cucharada de mostaza Dijon. Combinar con los vegetales y servir sobre una cama de lechuga romana. 

Ensalada de Tomate con Queso Feta

Combina ¼ tz cebolla morada picadita con 1 cucharada de vinagre balsamico, ¾ cucharadita de albahaca picada, el jugo de medio limon y 1 pizca de sal en un bowl. Dejar a un lado por 5 minutos.

Luego agregar 2 tomates picados en cubitos, sin semillas, o 20 tomates cherry cortados por mitad, 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva y 2 cucharadas de queso feta. Revolver y refrigerar tapado hasta la hora de servir.

100 ways to cut 100 calories

We've done some research on how to cut down 100 calories from your daily intake effortlessly. Here are some of the best suggestions. Follow 5 of these daily and lose a pound per week!

1. Spread 1 Tbsp of all-fruit jam on your toast instead of 1 1/2 Tbsp of butter 
2. Go with 1/2 cup of nonfat milk instead of 1 cup whole milk
3. Choose poached eggs over fried eggs
6. Snack on an orange and a banana instead of a Snickers candy bar.
7. Munch on 35 pretzel sticks instead of 1 ounce of dry-roasted peanuts.
8. Steam your vegetables rather than sauteing them in 1 tablespoon of butter or oil
9. Instead of a 5-ounce glass of wine, opt for cherry-flavored sparkling water.
10. For a chewy snack, have 1/2 cup of dried fruit rather than 9 caramels.
11. Replace 3 slices of bacon with 3 slices of Light & Lean Canadian bacon.
12. Eat 1/2 cup of steamed fresh broccoli instead of 1/2 cup of frozen broccoli in cheese sauce.
13. Replace 1 cup of caramel-coated popcorn with 2 1/2 cups of air-popped popcorn.
14. Snack on 1 cup of nonfat plain yogurt instead of 1 cup of custard-style yogurt.
15. Top your celery sticks with 2 tablespoons of fat-free cream cheese instead of 3 tablespoons of regular cream cheese.
16. Replace 2 fried-chicken drumsticks with 2 roasted drumsticks and a cup of peas and carrots.
17. Instead of eating 5 chocolate-chip cookies, savor the taste of 2.
18. Lighten your 2 cups of coffee with 2 tablespoons of evaporated nonfat milk instead of 2 tablespoons of half-and-half.
19. Replace a 12-ounce can of cola with a 12-ounce can of diet cola. 32. Thicken your cream sauce with 1 percent milk and corn starch instead of a roux of butter and flour.
20. Use 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream instead of regular sour cream (on baked potatoes). If done twice in the day, 100 calories will be cut.
21. Grill a cheese sandwich with nonstick cooking spray instead of margarine.
22. Replace 1 cup of chocolate ice cream with 2/3 cup of nonfat chocolate frozen yogurt.
23. Instead of topping your salad with an ounce of croutons, get your crunch from 1/4 cup of chopped celery.
24. Cut the peanut butter on your sandwich from 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon.
25. Order a sandwich on cracked wheat bread instead of a croissant.
26. Complement your hamburger with 1 1/4 ounces of oven-baked tortilla chips instead of a side of fries.
27. Snack on 1/2 cup of fruit cocktail canned in water instead of 1 cup of fruit cocktail canned in heavy syrup.
28. Dip your chips in 1/2 cup of salsa instead of 1/2 cup of guacamole.
29. Use 1 tablespoon of fat free mayonnaise in your tuna salad instead of 2 tablespoons of regular mayo
30. Hold the tartar sauce on your fish sandwich, and squeeze lemon on it instead.
31. Replace 3 fish sticks with 3 ounces of grilled halibut.
32. In sandwich spreads or salads, use 3 teaspoons of dijonnaise instead of 4 teaspoons of mayonnaise.
33. Use 2 tablespoons of light pancake syrup instead of 2 tablespoons of regular syrup.
34. Top your pasta with 1 cup of marinara sauce instead of 1/2 cup of alfredo sauce.
35. For each serving of pasta salad you make, reduce the oil or mayonnaise by 1 tablespoon.
36. Cut back on sampling during cooking. The following "tastes" have 100 calories: 4 tablespoons of beef stroganoff, 3 tablespoons of homemade chocolate pudding, 2 tablespoons of chocolate-chip cookie dough.
37. At an Italian restaurant, snack on a large breadstick instead of a slice of garlic bread.
38. Eat a 3/4-cup serving of pudding made with skim milk rather than a 1-cup serving of pudding made with whole milk.
39. Choose 1/2 cup of brown rice instead of 1 serving of frozen rice pilaf with green beans or 1 serving of frozen Oriental rice and vegetables.
40. Compliment your sandwich with 3/4 cup of split-pea soup instead of 1 cup of chunky bean and ham soup. 
41. Replace 3 tablespoons of strawberry topping on your ice cream with 3/4 pint of fresh strawberries.
42. Pass on the second helping of mashed potatoes.
43. Eat 3 grilled prawns with cocktail sauce instead of 3 breaded and fried prawns.
44. Make a pie crust with 1 cup of Grape-Nuts cereal, 1/4 cup of concentrated apple juice and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, instead of using a traditional graham-cracker crust. You'll save 100 calories per slice.
45. Replace 8 sticks of regular chewing gum with sugar-free chewing gum.
46. Snack on a papaya instead of a bag of M&Ms.
47. Substitute 3 ounces of scallops for 3 ounce of lean beef in your stir-fry.
48. Rather than spread 4 tablespoons of cream cheese on two slices of raisin bread, dip the bread in 1/2 cup nonfat apple-cinnamon yogurt.
49. Munch on 1 cup of frozen grapes instead of an ice cream sandwich.
50. Rather than drink a strawberry milkshake, make a smoothie of 2/3 cup of low-fat milk, 1/2 cup of strawberries and 1/2 a banana.
51. Replace 2 brownies with 2 fig bars.
52. Eat 2 meatballs instead of 4 with your spaghetti.
53. On a hot day, quench your thirst with a glass of ice water with lemon or mint instead of a can of light beer.
54. Eat 1/2 cup of black beans instead of 3 ounces of roast beef.
55. Eat 2 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain bars instead of 2 Kellogg's Pop-Tarts.
56. Drizzle 3 tablespoons of low-calorie French dressing on your salad instead of 2 tablespoons of blue cheese dressing.
57. Replace 1 large flour tortilla with 1 six-inch corn tortilla.
58. Eat a turkey sandwich instead of a chicken salad sandwich.
59. Choose 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in water instead of 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in oil.
60. Use 1 cup of fat-free cottage cheese instead of regular cottage cheese.
61. Order a sandwich with barbecued chicken instead of barbecued pork.
62. Replace 1 cup of corn with 1 cup of carrots.
63. Replace 2 ounces of corn chips with 2 ounces of SnackWell's wheat crackers. 
64. Hold the butter on pancakes
65. Scramble together 4 egg whites instead of 2 whole eggs
66. Leave the Swiss cheese out of your sandwich
67. Slather your bread with mustard rather than mayo and save 80 calories per tablespoon
68. Take your iced tea unsweetened
69. Slurp minestrone soup instead of cream of anything
70. Drizzle extra hot sauce, not blue cheese or ranch dressing, on your wings
71. Ordering a cocktail? Make it on the rocks instead of frozen. Slushy fruit drinks tend to be made with bottled mixers that contain added sugar and syrups.
72. Sip a glass of water between drinks—pacing yourself can help you cut back by a glass or more.
73. Move your stash of Hershey's Kisses at least 6 feet away from your desk—you'll dip in half as often.
74. Have 1/2 cup of fresh grapes instead of that little snack box of raisins
75. Fill your bowl with sorbet instead of ice cream—you can have an extra 1/2 cup of the former and still slash calories
76. Have sugar-free Jell-O instead of pudding. Better your nighttime treat jiggle than your thighs.
77. Use chicken broth (low-sodium is best) instead of oil to sauté meat and veggies.
78. Next time you make meatballs, meatloaf, or burgers, go half-and-half with ground beef and turkey.
79. Eat a bowl of high-fiber cereal and you'll consume fewer calories all day.
80. Use 1 tablespoon of mayo and 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese to make tuna salad.
81. Put barbecue sauce, not honey mustard, on your chicken sandwich
82. Top your burger with onions, lettuce, and tomato and skip the cheese.
83. Toss your salad with 1 tablespoon of dressing until every lettuce leaf is coated. You'll get away with using half the usual serving size.
84. Skip the bread before a meal when eating out
85. Trade butter for a flavorful spread made with garlic, fresh rosemary, and light, trans fat-free margarine.
86. Choose a fruit as your mid morning snack instead of 2oz of peanuts
87. Ditch juices from concentrate and drink freshly squeezed juice instead; home made, sweetened with substitute sugar or a hint of honey
88. have a fat free yogurt for a snack instead of ice cream
89. supersize your vegetable portion and shrink the carb options. 1/2 cup of rice + 1 cup of broccoli with your steak or chicken instead of 1/2 a plate of rice and a lonely piece of broccoli
90. drink at least one less bottle of soda per day
91. chose a wrap instead of a sandwich
92. add dijon mustard to your turkey sandwich instead of mayonaise
93. have 1/2 cup of special k cereal for breakfast instead of frosted flakes
94. eat half of the fries that come with your burger or better yet, order a lighter side!
95. order broth soups instead of creamy soups and skip the croutons
96. having a frappe? skip the whipped cream and order it with skim milk!
97. have an espresso instead of a capuccino and sweeten with sugar substitute
98. prepare your tuna salad with a couple drops of worcestershire sauce, chopped onions and tomatoes instead of 2 Tbsp of mayonaise and canned corn
99. cook your fish with cooking spray instead of breaded and deep fried
100. skip the shredded cheese, sour cream and bacon bits on your potato. top with a little butter or olive oil and oregano instead

Monday, June 27, 2011

8 Variaciones de Pechadas

Uno de los ejercicios mas completos que hay, para hacer con tu propio pecho! Prueba estas variaciones para mas reto! *Imagenes cortesia de Women's Health Magazine

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back to Reality Workout...

Getting ready to start off our week with a good workout!! 

Tomorrow we're doing a 50 min walk/jog, followed by 3 rounds of:

1 min single leg romanian deadlift (30s each side)
1 min plank hold
1 min pushups w/row
1 min squat w/kick
1 min mountain climbers
1 min obliques w/dumbell
1 min donkey kicks

No rest between exercises; 1 min rest between rounds

Surviving the all-inclusive resort experience

Hi there! We spent this past week in an amazing all inclusive beach resort so we've decided to dedicate a post to this experience and how to enjoy your next vacation without bringing extra weight back home. 

Here are some rules/recommendations you can follow while enjoying your vacation:

-avoid sugary items such as pancakes, waffles and french toasts
-head directly to the egg station and order an omelette 
-hit the fruit bar or grab a yogurt to go with your eggs
-avoid pastries, grab a whole wheat toast or bun with some jelly instead

-head straight to the salad bar before even looking at the other available options and fill up half of your plate with healthy salad items. season with vinegar and olive oil or vinagrette; avoid creamy dressings.
-find a healthy protein option; anything that is not fried ideally
-choose a small carb side to go with your plate

-avoid poolside frozen drinks; packed in sugar and calories!
-between meals, chose a fruit to snack on before going for those nachos
-try to take a daily walk at the beach or gym, participate in sports activities such as beach volleyball, kayaking or water aerobics

Hope this helps you out in your next vacation! Enjoy! 

Plan de Perdida de Peso: Menu de Referencia

Comiste mucho el fin de semana o simplemente quisieras rebajar unas libras? 

A continuacion una guia de alimentacion balanceada y nutritiva para usar de referencia si buscas bajar de peso. Son 6 comidas pequenas, una cada 3horas aproximadamente. 

1 tostada integral con 2cdas colmadas de queso cottage o 1cda de mantequilla de mani baja en sodio. 1 taza de cafe o te, sin cafeina. 


1 fruta o yogurt non fat


1 encuentro a la plancha, 1/2 tz de pure de papas (con leche descremada) y 1 tz de vegetales


1 fruta o 2oz de almendras plain


5oz de filete de pescado (del tamano de la palma de la mano aprox) y 1-1 1/2 tz de ensalada

*Este menu es de aproximadamente 1200-1300 calorias. Dependiendo de tu peso actual, puede que necesites mas calorias. 

En paginas como puedes determinar cuantas calorias quemas actualmente al dia. Para bajar de peso, es necesario consumir entre 500 y 1,000 calorias menos de las calorias quemadas diariamente. 

Ademas, es ideal quemar unas 500 calorias adicionales al dia, por lo cual debes incorporar una rutina diaria de ejercicios a tu plan de perdida de peso. Suerte y exito! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Empezando bien la semana con...

1 minuto salto de soga
1 minuto squat/bicep con mancuernas de 8lbs
1 minuto aductores con bola 
1 minuto burpees
1 minuto cruzados con mancuernas de 5lbs
1 minuto abdominales
Todo esto sin descansar entre ejercicios. Luego 1 min descanso y 2 rondas mas con 1 min de descanso entre cada una. Excelente! 

TOTAL: 20 minutos 
*Complementa con 30-60 minutos de cardio (caminar, bici, eliptical, etc)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Reverse Woodchop

Both the chop and reverse woodchop are great for working your obliques, legs and butt. Try the reverse chop for an extra challenge this week!! 
*Photo courtesy of Womens Health Magazine

Friday, June 17, 2011

Healthy Father's Day Brunch Menu

Father's day is just 2 days away! Surprise your dad (and the entire family) with this yummy menu without feeling guilty about the calories!!

  • Stuffed Eggs
  • Whole Wheat French Toasts
  • Mushroom Quesadillas
  • Mango Smoothie

Stuffed Eggs
Just cook your hard boiled eggs, cut in half and remove the yolks. Mix yolks with a little bit of fat free mayonaise (about 1/4 tsp per egg), some dijon mustard, and chopped chives. Pour back into eggs and sprinkle a little paprika over them for a fancy touch.

Whole Wheat French Toasts
Mix 1 egg, 1/4 cup skim milk, a couple of drops of vanilla extract and some cinnamon in a shallow plate. Place whole wheat bread in mixture for about 1 minute per side, and cook at medium heat in a skillet with cooking spray or a little bit of light butter. Sprinkle a few chopped pecans over the toasts before serving, and drizzle with a little honey or maple syrup.

Mushroom Quesadillas (my husband's favorite)
Sautee some onions and chopped mushrooms (natural, not canned) in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Add a pinch of salt and oregano and set aside. Place one slice of fat free mozzarella cheese over a whole wheat tortilla (if using wrap tortillas then place another slice of cheese - enough to cover about half of the tortilla). Add the sauteed onions and mushrooms, fold and heat in a skillet until golden. 

Mango Smoothie
Pour one plain lowfat yogurt in your blender together with half a glass of ice, a chopped mango, a dollop of honey and about 1/4 cup skimmed milk, blend and serve! 
Try it with other fruits as well! (i.e. strawberries, mixed berries, banana)

The amazing Squat Push Press

If you want to shape your body perfect you must add this exercise to your workouts! If properly performed, this amazing exercise will shape your legs, butt, hips, core (*specially those love handles*) AND arms, all in one move!

Here's how to do it right:
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball in front of your chest with elbows bent next to body.
  • Squat down, keeping weight over heels and ball in front of chest. Make sure to keep your weight backwards so that you don't overwork your knees
  • Stand up explosively, extending arms over head; keep elbows close to ears.
Do 12-15 reps and 3-5 rounds for maximum results.
    *Image courtesy of Fitness Magazine

    15-min Weekend Workout

    Happy Friday! Try this 5 minute circuit this weekend and let us know how it goes! 

    1 min. squats (as many as you can do in a minute; push yourself!)
    1 min. pushups
    1 min. step-ups
    1 min. dips
    1 min. crunches

    Do 3 rounds with no rest between exercises for a total of 15 intense minutes!

    *You can find instructions for these exercises at

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    Strawberry Smoothie / Smoothie de Fresa

    Easy, healthy and tasty breakfast on the go!!
    Just pour one plain lowfat yogurt in your blender together with half a glass of ice, 5 strawberries, a dollop of honey and about 1/4 cup skimmed milk, blend and serve! 
    Try it with other fruits as well! (i.e. mango, mixed berries, banana)

    Un desayuno para llevar, facil y delicioso!
    Solo combina un yogurt natural low fat, medio vaso de hielo, 5 fresas, una cucharada de miel y 1/4 taza de leche descremada en la licuadora y listo!
    Prueba tambien con otras frutas! (como mango, moras o banana)

    Reglas de Oro para el control de peso...

    Faciles y efectivas...aplicalas! 

    1-  DESAYUNA - es importante tomar un desayuno saludable todos los dias para activar el metabolismo. mientras no comes, tu cuerpo no quema tantas calorias. escoge panes integrales, frutas, algo de proteinas bajas en grasa y veras buenos resultados

    2- TOMA AGUA - toma suficiente agua a lo largo del dia para ayudar a tu cuerpo a liberar las toxinas. el agua tambien te hara sentirte satisfecha mas rapido. 
    3- COME 5 VECES AL DIA - es mejor comer porciones mas pequenas mas veces al dia que 2 o 3 platos grandes ya que de esta manera mantienes a tu cuerpo ocupado por mas tiempo, quemando mas calorias.

    4- EVITA LA COMIDA CHATARRA Y LAS SODAS - todo lo que viene en paquetito, con ingredientes artificiales, aporta cero beneficios y nutrientes a tu cuerpo y muchas calorias innecesarias. elimina estos articulos de tu vida y sentiras una gran diferencia! hasta tu piel se sentira mas limpia!

    5- COME FRUTAS Y VEGETALES TODOS LOS DIAS - come por lo menos una fruta como merienda al dia e incluye minimo una taza de ensalada o vegetales a tus comidas. las fibras de estos productos naturales te ayudaran a limpiar tu cuerpo a la vez que te haran sentirte satisfecha por mas tiempo.

    Haz de estas reglas parte de tus habitos y veras lo bien que te sentiras! Sumale 30-60 minutos de caminatas por lo menos 3-5 veces a la semana y el control de peso dejara de ser un problema para ti!

    Golden Rules for Weight Management

    Shed some pounds this summer by following these easy rules!

    1-  EAT BREAKFAST - skipping breakfast will keep your metabolism from activating until later in the day. have a healthy breakfast (i.e. whole wheat bread, fruit, eggs) to allow your body to start burning calories first thing in the morning!

    2- DRINK WATER - drink enough water throughout the day to help your body eliminate toxins. 
    3- EAT 5 TIMES A DAY - smaller meals every 3 hours or so will keep your metabolism busy all day long and will keep you from overeating at some moment as you will never be starving
    4- AVOID JUNK FOOD AND SODAS - avoid packaged chips, cheese balls, candy and similar artificial products as well as carbonated drinks. these provide no nutrients to your body

    5- EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY - make at least one of your daily snacks a fruit and have at least 1 cup of salad or vegetables with every meal. these help cleanse your body and fill you up faster.

    These easy to follow rules will make you feel great in just days! Give it a try! Add 30-60 minute walks at least 3 times a week and you'll feel even better!!

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011

    Como controlar la ansiedad por comer...

    Muchas veces comemos en exceso y no por hambre sino por ansiedad. Aqui algunas recomendaciones para evitar estos episodios...

    1- Come cinco veces al dia: tres comidas balanceadas y dos meriendas (a media mañana y a media tarde). Comer incrementa el metabolismo y asi se queman mas calorias. 

    2- Para de comer cuando sepas que ya saciaste el apetito. El estomago tambien se educa y puedes evitar convertirlo en un barril sin fondo. No es lo mismo sentirse satisfecho que lleno.

    3- Condimenta tus comidas con ingredientes naturales para hacerlas mas sabrosas. Por ejemplo, hierbas (perejil, estragón, tomillo, laurel), condimentos aromaticos (cebolla, ajo, limón, vinagre), y especias varias (canela, curry, azafran).

    4- Evita las frituras. Ni las masas ni las proteinas. Las carnes y los pescados pueden cocinarse al horno o a la plancha y poco aceite.

    5- Come muchas verduras y frutas. Estas ofrecen muchos minerales y vitaminas, aportan las calorías necesarias y sacian el apetito. Son preferibles la lechuga, la cebolla, los espárragos, el zapallo, el brocoli, las manzanas y las fresas.

    6- Toma mucha agua. Esto te ayudara a limpiar tu sistema y eliminar las toximas. Es ideal tomar un vaso de agua antes de acostarse ya que diluye los acidos uricos y otro por la manana para combatir el estrenimiento.

    7- Si se estas deprimido o demasiada ansiosa, resulta difícil respetar una dieta. En estos casos, se recomienda llenar la nevera con productos saludables y desaparecer de la comida chatarra.

    8- Elige el camino mas largo. Tal vez, deberas levantarte 10 minutos antes o llegar a casa 10 minutos despues, pero vale la pena aprovechar todos los posibles caminos que nos dejen unas cuadras más para caminar hasta casa.

    9- Elimina por completo las bebidas con azucar y gas. Toma agua y jugos naturales. El resto, no aportan nutrientes a tu cuerpo.

    10- Recuerda tener fuerza de voluntad

    Interval Training vs Circuit Training: Which one's Better for Fat Loss?

    Hitting the gym for over an hour following a series of intervals or a quick 30 min circuit training session will both improve your overall strength, power, performance and lean muscle mass.

    HOWEVER...when it comes to fat loss, it has been proven that endurance circuit training will help you lose those extra pounds faster.

    Use the spare time for brisk walks at least 3 times a week and you will feel a difference in no time! (ideally 30-60 min walks)

    Other advantages of circuit training over traditional weight training include:
    -little or no equipment required
    -can be done almost anywhere
    -tends to be more fun

    -works your entire body at the same time

    Some popular circuit training DVDs you can do at home include: 
    - Jilian Michaels' 30 Day Shred
    - Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training

    Soon we will be sharing some great circuit training routines as well in our workout section! Wait for them! (if in Panama, join us for fun and challenging daily sessions! email us at for details)